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We at BOGE see ourselves as a socially responsible company – in an economical, ecological, social and local sense. Take a look at the projects and initiatives that we and our employees support.

CSR - Logo

We are aware of our responsibility

The harmonisation and reconciliation of economical, ecological and social factors – in our eyes, a natural prerequisite for achieving our aims – is today referred to under the term “Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR). It’s with the concept of CSR in mind that we, as a success-oriented, rich-in-tradition company, have retained our decades-long status as an integral part of the OstWestfalenLippe region. We support the notion of CSR and the region’s role as an industrial location through three central principles: thinking with others, acting with others and shaping the future – in collaboration with others.

OWL Study Fund Foundation

The foundation aims to provide students with material and non-material support to help everyone who has an aptitude and is suitably motivated to take up a course of study.

OWL Study Fund Foundation

Bethel and Lübbecker Werkstätten GmbH

BOGE supports the disabled workshops Bethel pro Werk v. Bodelschwinghsche Stiftungen und Lübbecker Werkstätten GmbH by ordering a range of items from them every year.

Website Bethel

BINGO – students get a taste for compressed air

The BOGE-founded “Berufsoffensive für INGenieur/innen in OstWestfalen-Lippe” (or BINGO for short) is aimed at encouraging young people to take up careers in engineering – an initiative that also counts among the aims of OWL Maschinenbau.

Link to website of BINGO

TuS 97 Job Initiative

BOGE has supported the TuS 97 Bielefeld-Jöllenbeck job initiative since 2013 and is committed to development of future sportsmen and -women.

Website TuS 97

Realschule Enger – building bridges between school and the world of work

BOGE’s target-oriented collaboration with Realschule Enger, a secondary school in the home region of our headquarters in Germany, began all the way back in 1999 – one of the first partnerships of its kind in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Link to website of Realschule Enger

NETZWERK companies integrate refugees

With effect from March 2016 we became part of the biggest network in Germany for integrating refugees into the labour market. The NETZWERK Unternehmen integrieren Flüchtlinge (NETZWERK companies integrate refugees) is a German Chamber of Industry and Commerce initiative supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics.


BobbyCar Solarcup – a community race

BOGE also collaborates with Realschule Enger on the annual BobbyCar Solarcup organised by alternative energy company Netzwerk Energie Impuls OWL:

Link to website of BobbyCar Solarcup